I just wanted to thank everyone who has helped make this site such a success! Since I started this site it has blossomed so much and I am so thankful that you, our viewers and fans, have expressed such an interest in becoming involved with everything that goes on here! It has been wonderful working to provide howrse players with a place to go for some game related fun! I just have to say you guys are what keeps the team here going! Please continue to let us know what you think of the site! We weant to be able to improve it in any way we can and you guys know better than anyone else what you want to see! Hopefully soon we will be providing some free layouts for you right here on the site! Also we will be working even harder to bring some more interviews your way! We also now have more opportunities for advertisers so pm me on the game or post on this blog entry if you are interested in some FREE advertising for your EC, layouts, banners, or anything else you can think of!

Thanks for making ILAH so great!
Kjumper and the ILAH Team!
The much anticipated opening of the four new servers on howrse I jumped in and reserved my loggin as soon as I could. You can now find me on both the international and United States versions of the game! So far I found it has some cool features unique to the American version, including some new breeds, which I personally love! My first howrse there is a cute French Trotter named Josie! I have yet to explore as much as is possible but as I find new fun things I will definitely keep everyone posted! Please, if you are on another server and want to share the things that make it unique, please post on this and let me know! Overall, I really think these four new servers will be great for the game and will clear out many players feeling suffocated by the pass purchasing players that have dominated the original server. It will also clean up the insane amount of folks attacking the private sales and bombarding the forums, and for me personally I will be glad to see that people will be able to choose. I am mainly planning on staying with my original version, since I have over 3 years invested in it, but newer players and future add ons will be able to populate the new servers rather than continue the steep growth of the first.