The newest thing on horse is the bewitched pumpkin! All I can say about it is that I simply love it! The unique offer that comes from this item has me enticed with the moving images, decent bonuses, and the chance of finding the rarer coats has me enjoying the search for "ghost" horses and such. My favorite thing about this offer is that it's only 2 passes and reminds me of the elemental coats avaliable a while back. It's nice to see some creativity coming from the howrse team! Personally I only have found a few skeletons, a bat and a vampire, but I am hopeful to obtain a ghost horse myself! Let me know what you think about the bewitched pumpkin either through a pm to Kjumper or by commenting here on my blog! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful inside look at howrse day! If you have any ideas for a story, interview, or blog also leave them for me here or there! :) thanks!
Hey guys! I am here today frustrated and tired of the passes on howrse. I have been on since the first month of the game and frankly I am tired of working my fanny off trying to catch up to those with the unfair advantage of deep pockets and high karma. I have only bought passes once on the game and I honestly recieved them as a birthday gift and felt bad about it. I find it unfair that howrse charges so much for a virtual item on a virtual game. Of course, people buy them but i often find that either adults with their own credit cards or children from well off families are the only ones who can easily buy them. It's unfair and gives the wealthier or crazier on the game the edge while people like me have to struggle to make it to the top 200 without buying passes. I may just be upset by it for now but I have lately found myself turned off from the game because of it. So i am offering a petition in the forum on here for those against pass prices and a petition for those against the sales of passes and no other way to really get them! thanks!

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Hello everyone! Sorry I've been dormant for a while! As most of you know the Sand Pile games are on! It's strange, I know, but fun none-the-less! You have to earn as many sandpiles as possible to buy cool prizes in the sand auctions and direct sales. Tons of cool prizes are up for grabs! Check out the info and games rules on the main page of the howrse website.
    A special thing I would like to introduce is that you guys tell me what you think of the sand games here on this blog post! Just leave your view as a comment! You may find your opinion in our next piece on An Inside Look At Howrse! :)
Hey guys! Welcome to my first blog! I'm so excited to be sharing this with you all and I'm extremely happy you took some time to check out An Inside Look at Howrse. Haha now down to business I suppose!
     Today I want to talk a bit about popularity and some fun ways to gain it. Popularity is a part of the rankings where the game keeps up with how many people have looked at your profile in one days time. You can get it by having friends check your page or by drawing attention to it in a myriad of ways. Some simple ones are selling horses and posting in the forums. People can easily access your page throught the sale so they can look at other horses or through any of the forums due to interest generated there. Answering peoples questions is a fun and helpful way to participate in the forums! Selling horses and posting info on them in the sales forum also seems to create a lot popularity, that is if people want what your selling. My personal favorite for earning popularity is by congradulating other players. You don't have to go crazy with it, but if someone has really earned it your profile page link will be displaed on their page for others to see, until 5 others congradulate them! People will want to see who else congradulates great players and may congradulate you! So go get involved in the game and socialize if you want to be amongst the games most popular players!
Hello again! Thanks for your question natluvshorses967! To answer your questions I'm going to give you some more info on divine horses. Xanthos allow you to stroke them, up to 5 of them, once a day, with the chance of winning a horn of plenty from it. You simply go on the page of the Xanthos and there is a link that says stroke, click this and you are entered to win a horn of plenty. Croceous give their owners e rather than manure and produce a pass on the 13th of each month. The other interactive divine horses are Archemedes. They let players visit them and answer one question a day, if  you get the answer correct then you get one aging point! Other divines and specials are fun collectors items and are great for ecs, competitions, and more! They are all rather pricey and come around in special events, such as the fabellas in the horn of plenties and the Snows with pass purchases. I hope this helps! If you have any other questions feel free to post them here! I enjoyed it!